All parameters

All parameters

A complete list of the parameters you can add to your recommendations for filtering etc.


addcontentWhether content should be added to the json result
nrofhitsSet the number of hits to retrieve

Filter parameters

allowedlangsIf a recommendation should only recommend pages of a certain language.
domainIf a project has several domains in the same model, the parameter controls a filtering on domain
excludechildnodesWhen filtering using userootpath, we can set this flag to true to avoid including direct subpages to the current page.
excludetreeWhether one or more branches of the site should be excluded from the recommendations
filter_exclude_onpagelinksIf the existing links on the page are not to be recommended
intitleA string that must be included in the title for a hit to be recommended. Used in autocomplete.
ldjsonfilter.[parameter] = valuePossibility to filter on arbitrary parameter->value combination that exists in your LD+JSON.
maxpathdepthThe maximum depth of the path page has
minpathdepthThe minimum depth the path page has
notdomainIf a project has several domains in the same model, the parameter controls a filtering on domains that should not be displayed
notpagetypeDetermines which type of pages should not be recommended
pagetypeDetermines which type of pages should be recommended
rootpathlevelIf userootpath is set to true, this parameter controls the number of parts of path that control the filter.
subtreeIf only one or more part of ​​the site is to be recommended
tagsThe tags you can enter per Question & Answer in the Dashboard can be filtered on the recommendation.
termWhether a word or phrase must be included in the page title or introduction
userootpathIf the recommendation is to be filtered based on part of the current URL-path that the visitor is on.


addstripesAdds a class that creates every other color in lists
headerfontclassH-tag class for the header
headerheadinglevelH-level for the header above the recommendations. If set to 0, no H tag is used
headeridID of the header
headertextA heading that is printed above the recommendations. Ex: “Recommended reading”
hideimageMake sure that the image is not rendered in the function that writes content
listcolsNumber of columns 1,2 or 3. Add data-renderstyle="list" to make it work with the columns.
questionsfirstWhether the questions in a search result should be placed before the pages
renderstyleIf and how should the recommendations be rendered: list, content, advanced, tree or sort
stripecolorWhat color should the biannual coloring be
stylingIf the rendering of the recommendations is to use a CSS framework, the name of the framework can be specified here
titlemaxlengthIf the page's h1 should be used when rendering instead of the page title
useh1forcontentIf the page's h1 should be used when rendering instead of the page title


advanced_mockdataThis is so that you can see what the recommendations look like
callbackThe name of a function that will be executed instead of rendering
ignorelabelsIf a project uses labels, can skip using these for a specific recommendation.
nrofcontextualhitsWhether a specific number of recommendations should be based on context.
projectidUnless the default value for the project is to be used
rtSpecifies returntype: default is JSON, svauto = autocomplete for SiteVision