Best practice filtering pages

Best practice filtering pages

If using the Sitevision module


On section pages, we only want to recommend pages, not news articles. Therefore, we select "Pages" under "Include only".

We also only want to recommend pages that are below the section page in the site structure. To achieve this, we use userootpath.

It may be that we do not want to recommend the pages that come directly below the section page, but only further down the structure. If we want to achieve this we add excludechildnodes.

Guide for Sitevision

<div class="rek-prediction" data-userootpath="true" data-excludechildnodes="true"></div>


On news articles, we only want to recommend other articles. Therefore we add add string that has to be in the url. For example "news/".

Guide for Sitevision

<div class="rek-prediction" data-subtree="news/"></div>


In sections where the objective is to motivate readers to explore your content following the textual material, our preference is to exclusively display webpages. Consequently, we exclude all "news/".

In order not to include section pages in the recommendations, we can choose to only include pages from level 2 in the page structure.

Guide for Sitevision

<div class="rek-prediction" data-excludetree="news/" data-userootpath="true" data-rootpathlevel="2"></div>