When do we need to use public and secret ID?
Is public key only needs to be used when you download your Javascript. Because the name of the file is the same as the key. Secret key only used on intranets when added by the server to "block" external websites from getting recommendations of "secret" pages. Or in some projects where it is used when uploading data to our servers.
If we move a page in the page structure - how fast are recommendations updated?
rek.ai goes through all your pages every 12 hours to see if they have moved, changed names or been removed (it is important that you always use "previous addresses" when making changes). In November 2021, we will launch a function which enables you to start a re-indexing of the website from your Dashboard (opens in a new tab).
How is language handled by rek?
If your web pages use correctly lang="sv" attribute in the html tag, rek.ai will assign that language to the pages. This means that when you make a recommendation, you can enter data-allowedlangs="sv" to only recommend pages in a certain language. This attribute is also used when pages are recommended to "link" pages.
Can we have different presentation in mobile/desktop (listing vs teasers)?
Absolutely. You control that entirely yourself through your CSS, which can have different rules for desktop/mobile.
@media(max-width: 800px) {
.rek-prediction img {
display: none; /* Don't show img on mobile */
Can one choose NOT to include any styling from rek.ai?
rek.ai does not ship with any styling if you use class="rek-prediction". Results get classes from rek.ai, but these have no rules attached to them. If you use other rendering functions but want to reset their style, you can add the following to your CSS:
.rek-prediction * {
all: initial;
How do you know what page type a page has (pagetype)
rek.ai does not know which pagetype a page has, except if you use the Sitevision CMS. Then rek.ai automatically assigns "svararticle" or "svpage" depending on whether a page's id starts with "4." or "5.".
If you use Wordpress, the classes included in the body are specified as page types.
In order for rek.ai to know which pagetype a page has, you enter this in json-ld. Guide for adding pagetyp
How can you display a text if there are zero hits?
We have a function that runs after the recommendation is complete. In that function, you can count how many recommended links there are on the page. And if the sum is zero show a text. Here is an example for Sitevision:
function rekPredictionDone() {
// No hits
if($svjq( '.env-list__item' ).length == 0) {
$svjq('.rek-prediction').html('<span>No matches at this time</span>');
How does geographical weighting work?
Rek.ai uses three parts for geographic locations:
- Name of municipality the visitor is browsing from
- Latitude and longitude that are translated into a grid pattern over Sweden
- Distance from site "position"
These three together are used to create an understanding of how position affects behavior in the best way possible.
Can you decide/weight which parameters should be used - geographical proximity most important or only most visited only
The idea with rek.ai is that the system should always recommend the most likely information based on all parameters. To "not" include a parameter in the recommendation, it must be replaced with an "average". Therefore, it is not possible, for example, not to include device, because this value is either 1 or -1. The number 0 is never used, and therefore we cannot use it as an average value. If you use custom features, you can choose whether these should be used in the recommendation:
What is meant by having different templates?
In some CMS, you have different templates that the editor chooses between when creating content. For example, you might have a news template that contains the publication date, while a normal content page does not have this information.
Can we get a recommendation based on data collected just last week?
In the Dashboard (opens in a new tab), you can set how old data is to be included when the model is built.
So by entering a week under ONLY USE DATA FROM THE LAST, you can control that only the last week should be used.
Can we force a geolocation for predictions
Yes geolocation can be overwritten with the help of the attribute data-co for country for example. But it must then be values that exist in the visits previously made by users.
Should we add some more metadata that might be useful to rek.ai? Like publication date?
Metadata on pages (which is added with json-ld) is only used to create the presentation you create. In addition to end date, which controls whether a page should be recommended after a certain date. So depending on how your UX should look, you may want to add metadata. It is important to remember that Custom features are not the same as metadata. We can use custom features, among other things, to know if a visitor is logged in with a certain role, or if he has previously shown an interest in any part of our website.
How do we ensure that we do not send data from our test environments, but only use the data?
To be absolutely sure that no pageviews from the test environment are sent, you can add the following code to all pages in the test environment:
document.cookie = 'rekblock=1; max-age=86400; SameSite=None; Secure';
Which KPIs do our customers usually measure?
It depends on the type of website and page within the website that the recommendations are used. But if they are placed as recommendations on a review page, we have done A/B tests to both reduce bounce, exit and time on page. Especially in mobile phones, we see big effects on how quickly and without "giving up" visitors find the information compared to if you don't use recommendations.
If the recommendations relate to article suggestions after reading the article, the number of clicks on these is a value to be measured. But it is important to remember that one of the product's goals is to inspire your visitors to discover everything you have to offer. And it can therefore be difficult to set a KPI for a visitor seeing an article that inspires him or her to, for example, start a business or move to a municipality.