Block pages

Block pages

If we wish to exclude any page or branch in the website structure, we can easily add the URL here and immediately determine the number of subpages that will be excluded from the visitor's recommendations.

In the example below, we can see that by selecting "contains" from the Type of match dropdown, entering "sandbox" in the pattern field and clicking "save", we find that the term "sandbox" registers one match under the matched/ignored URLs section, resulting in it not being recommended.

Block pages on

Type of match

  • Contains: Searches for the word "sandbox" within the entire URL and subsequently blocks all subpages from the mentioned page.

  • RegExp: Regular Expressions, a slightly more advanced function, which you can read about here (opens in a new tab).

  • Exact path: Blocks the exact path. Enter the path as shown in the example above: /news/2022 and not