Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Under the "Questions and Answers" (opens in a new tab) section, you'll find all questions and answers created by generative AI on the website. If you would like a brief overview of how the entire Questions and Answers page works, you can click on the small icon by the right side of the "Questions and Answers" header in the Dashboard (opens in a new tab).

Questions and Answers generated by generative AI on

  • Filters: Status - In the "status" field, you can view questions that are approved, not reviewed, or rejected. For example, if we sorted by "approved," we would see all three questions in the example above.

  • Filters: Source page - Under "Source page," you can filter through the website's structure. For instance, if we only wanted to see questions and answers created under the branch "Attefallsregler", we would see the bottom two questions. If we filtered by "Bygga, bo och miljö" (Building, living, and environment), we would see all three.

  • Search field - There's a search field where you can search for a specific question or keyword and view all related questions and answers below.

  • Question - Here you can see all the questions and answers that have been created based on the filtering you have applied.

  • Source page - indicates which page the question and answer are created from.

  • Status - you see if the question and answer are approved, not reviewed, or rejected.

  • Actions - Under "actions," you can edit the question or answer if you want to add or remove any part of it.