

Dashboard (opens in a new tab) is a summary of the collected statistics and information is presented.

If the Javascript has been correctly implemented, we are able to discover the number of recommendations and page views that have been recorded. There is also a section highlighting the website's main features.

If no statistics are displayed, it may indicate that the JavaScript has not been properly installed on the website.


Number of recommendations made on the website for each respective date. Each recommendation is a list of links or keyword suggestions.

Page views

Number of page views saved in rek.ai, which form the basis of the AI model being developed.

Usage highlights

A summary of various metrics related to the installation.

  • Block rules - Number of rules blocking recommendations for certain pages.
  • Pages indexed - Number of distinct pages included in the AI model.
  • Avg. response time (ms) - Average time it takes to make a recommendation.
  • Latest AI-model build - Date of the most recent AI model creation.

Embed code

The code to be added to all pages on your website. If you are using the Sitevision module, it is sufficient to add it to your website.
