Website statistics

Website statistics

On the "Website statistics" page, we receive basic statistics related to the website. We can see performance metrics, distinguishing between mobile and desktop usage, as well as track 404 pages and search terms.


In the search field below the bar chart, you can enter a portion of a URL to filter the statistics for specific pages. For instance, if all news pages contain "news" in their web address, you can filter to view only these.

In the example below we have see that in the last 7 days, 754 visitors have been reading the page "lediga jobb" (job openings). 70% of them did it on a mobile and 30% on a desktop and the average time on the page are 5min 24 sec.

In the box on the right, you can select a time period from which to retrieve the statistics.

Website statistics views on

404 / Error pages

Under "404 / Error pages", you'll find broken links that visitors have clicked on. Based on this, we know exactly which pages need an update with a redirect link or similar fix.

Additionally, by looking at the number at the bottom right under "referers", we can see which pages are linking to these broken links. These could be from an old campaign or a removed news article.

Website statistics 404 pages on

Search terms

Under "search terms," you will find the search queries entered by the website's visitors. This provides insight into what visitors are looking for, which can then be used as a basis for updates and improvements.

In the exmple below we see that 42 visitors have been searching for "bygglov" (building permits) and 22 visitors have been searching for "dagis" (daycare).

Website statistics search words on


"Referrals" shows which site a visitor arrived to your website from.

In the example below, we see that 0.22% of all visitors, the last 30 days, came to through a link on Facebook.

Website statistics referrals on