Render parameters


useh1forcontentIf the page's h1 should be used when rendering instead of the page title
titlemaxlengthIf the page's h1 should be used when rendering instead of the page title
headertextA heading that is printed above the recommendations. Ex: “Recommended reading”
headerheadinglevelH-level for the header above the recommendations. If set to 0, no H tag is used
headerfontclassH-tag class for the header
headeridID of the header
renderstyleIf and how should the recommendations be rendered: list, content, advanced, tree or sort
addstripesAdds a class that creates every other color in lists
stripecolorWhat color should the biannual coloring be
hideimageMake sure that the image is not rendered in the function that writes content
listcolsNumber of columns 1,2 or 3. Add data-renderstyle="list" to make it work with the columns.
stylingIf the rendering of the recommendations is to use a CSS framework, the name of the framework can be specified here