Name | Description |
useh1forcontent | If the page's h1 should be used when rendering instead of the page title |
titlemaxlength | If the page's h1 should be used when rendering instead of the page title |
headertext | A heading that is printed above the recommendations. Ex: “Recommended reading” |
headerheadinglevel | H-level for the header above the recommendations. If set to 0, no H tag is used |
headerfontclass | H-tag class for the header |
headerid | ID of the header |
renderstyle | If and how should the recommendations be rendered: list, content, advanced, tree or sort |
addstripes | Adds a class that creates every other color in lists |
stripecolor | What color should the biannual coloring be |
hideimage | Make sure that the image is not rendered in the function that writes content |
listcols | Number of columns 1,2 or 3. Add data-renderstyle="list" to make it work with the columns. |
styling | If the rendering of the recommendations is to use a CSS framework, the name of the framework can be specified here |