Link in Javascript for uses a Javascript that is loaded from our address.
To find the correct script check the start page in Dashboard (opens in a new tab).
The script can be linked in the head or body. You can choose to enter it as a script tag or via, for example, GTM.
<script src=" VERSION OF THE SCRIPT.js" defer></script>
This is all that is required to start working with
If you use Sitevision, you can most easily integrate via our module in the Marketplace: in Marketplace
Check if pages are saved
If you want to check that pages are saved: see if two requests are sent to (remember not to be logged in to SV when you look for these).
How do I know which project id and secret key my project has?
To see your project id and secret key, log in Dashboard (opens in a new tab) Under Settings in the Dashboard (opens in a new tab) you can see your ID.