E-services on search page

Tutorial for adding e-services to the search results page in Sitevision

An improvement that can be added using rek.ai is that e-services from another website can be displayed on the search results page.

This means that your visitors easily can find the e-services.

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In order for the e-services to be displayed, they need a div to be added to. In the example we have added the div in the left column where facets for search are located.

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<div class="sv-search-facets rek-search-etjanst" style="display:none; margin-top: 2em;">
   <div class="sv-search-facet" style="margin:0">
       <p class="normal sv-search-facet-name">E-tjänster</p>
       <ul class="sv-defaultlist-noleft sv-notopmargin sv-search-facet-items"></ul>

After the container where the recommendations will end up is added, a script that listens for searches is needed. Add the script to a HTML module on the search result page.

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The script that listens and populates recommendations looks like this:

Domain, searchId and searchBtnId need to be updated with your values.

   var domain = 'upplandsbroetjanst'; // Find this name in the sitevision module
   var searchId = '#search12_191d2a5e160d9dc1bbfb748e';
   var searchBtnId = '#search12_191d2a5e160d9dc1bbfb748ebutton';
   var waitTime = 500;
   function myCallback(data) {
      var s = '';
      var length = Math.min(data.predictions.length, 10);
      for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
         s += '<li><a target="_blank" class="etjanst-link" href="' + data.predictions[i].url + '">' + data.predictions[i].title + '</a>';
         s += '</li>';
      $svjq('.rek-search-etjanst ul').html(s);
   function doRekSearch() {
      var term = '';
      term = $svjq( searchId ).val();
      if(term != '') {
         // Add parameters
         var options = {
            customer: window.__rekai.customer,
            params: {
               term: term,
               domain: domain
               //,ignorelabels: true
         // Do prediction
         window.__rekai.predict(options, myCallback);
      else {
   svDocReady(function() {
      // Searchbtn
      $svjq( searchBtnId ).click(function() {
         setTimeout(() => {  doRekSearch(); }, waitTime);
      // Enter in input
         setTimeout(() => {  doRekSearch(); }, waitTime);
      setTimeout(() => {  doRekSearch(); }, waitTime);

Your e-service domain name

To see what the name of your e-service portal domain is, look in the simulator in Dashboard (opens in a new tab).

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