

No recommendations are shown

Several reasons can affect recommendations not appearing on your site.

Check network traffic

When you don't get any recommendations back, a good way to troubleshoot is to inspect the network traffic (Fetch/XHR) in the browsers developer tool.

An example of a correct response: Network traffic

Correct response

If you see a number of recommendations as items in a list with title etc. it works as it should. And if there are still no recommendations on the website or in the search results, there is something wrong with the rendering. Then check that no CSS hides the links or that they are placed incorrectly in the html structure.

Empty list

If it is an empty list, the problem may be the parameters you use for filtering. So that one of these filters out all hits.

A message

If instead you get a text that says "Feel welcomed to visit", there is something wrong with the project.

Is Javascript enabled?

Start checking that the javascript that applies to your project is loaded on the page where the recommendation is to be displayed. So that this line is included:

<script src=" VERSION OF THE SCRIPT.js"></script>

If you use the Sitevision module, check that it is in the basic template used (opens in a new tab)