on an intranet on an intranet

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OG metadata

The first aspect you should consider is that metadata in the form of images and lead paragraphs is included on the pages. These are what we send along when recommendations are presented. You can enable this by adding them in the page's code in the same way as is done for platforms like Twitter or Facebook, using OG tags:

Great og:tags to add is:

<meta property="og:title" content="My title" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Lorem ipsum." />
<meta property="og:image" content="/image.jpg" />

How to make intranet recommendations contain images and texts

Validation: Select "View page source" and check so OG-tags exists in the code and has correct values.

What do we know about our user?

To personalize in the best possible way, we want to inform the model about the department each employee works in. We first need to find out what values you have access to in the user object:

What parameters do my user have?

Send user information

Once you know what data you have about the employees, you can submit this information with each page view and recommendation:

How you can add page and user information on an intranet

Validation: Check the Payload of the "view" request sent to In the object there shall be a array named "cf" containing the data. Read more about validating CF

Validate access

If you wish to ensure that a user has the right to view the pages during a recommendation, you can check each page's access rights with every recommendation:

Validate user access