
Type: string
Default: ''
Context: prediction, questions

About this parameter

Whether one or more branches of the site should be excluded from the recommendations.

Control whether certain pages are to be excluded from display. If the value is included in the page's url, it will not be displayed as a prediction.

If you want to add several strings to be used when selecting pages, you can separate them with a ",".

Usage examples

<div class="rek-prediction" data-excludetree="education"></div>

This example does not show any pages under education or accommodation.

<div class="rek-prediction" data-excludetree="/education/,/accommodation/"></div>

If you want to exclude a page with the exact path, not all pages that match the path, you can add a "!" before the path.

<div class="rek-prediction" data-excludetree="!/education/,!/accommodation/"></div>